Robit casing systems consist of pilot bit and ring bit using a patented locking system designed to be easy to use. They can be used for ground drilling applications such as forepoling, anchoring, piling, water and thermal well drilling, site investigation and horizontal drilling.
RoX and RoX+ series are for various top hammer drilling applications with relatively shallow hole requirements. Robit down-the-hole system DTH-RoX+ is for permanent casing drilling applications which require deeper holes with larger diameters. More robust design of the heavy duty ring bits enables wells and piles more than 100m deep, says the company.
With what is described as a stronger and more durable composition, the multi-use series is designed to be used several times. Robit adds: “The ring bit is slightly bigger than the casing enabling easier recover of the casings from the ground. This is a useful feature whenever there is a need for temporary casing.”
Concept 3-1 pilot bit is a new product in the Robit casing systems product line designed to be compatible with the standard DTH, multi-use, and horizontal drilling ring bits. Set-up times are shorter and tool inventory levels lower since the same pilot bit fits for different applications, the company explains.
Robit Casing Systems
Tel: +358 3 3140 3400
Robit’s casing system