When: Thursday 18th January 2024 at 18:00 hrs

Where: Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) – One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA

SYSTRA will discuss the ground freezing process and techniques, and a case study of its application on Metro Line 14 – Clichy Saint-Ouen, Paris.

After introducing the ground freezing process and associated techniques; a review of the main design parameters as well as basic rules of thumbs will be discussed.

A number of projects showing the versatile use of the method will be presented, and a specific project in urban conditions with high constrains due to railway proximity will be detailed, all along the duration of the project with interesting measured data.

Christian Gilbert – Director of Structures and Civil Engineering, SYSTRA

Non-members are more than welcome to attend the event in-person.

Tea & coffee will be served from 17:30 hrs onwards.

Post-lecture drinks and food will be served at the ICE bar. The drinks are sponsored by SYSTRA, and the food is sponsored by TunnelSkills.

Full details can be found here: https://britishtunnelling.com/events/evening-meetings/upcoming-meetings