Don Hall has been appointed as CTE managing director, having left infrastructure group, Gamuda, after almost nine years. Hall will initially be based in the Kuala Lumpur office. CTE will comprise several internationally experienced tunnelling professionals, the company added.
"As a result of several technical meetings, factory and site visits, I became convinced that CREC-TBM had a high quality product and a very good design team, what they lacked was the international factor," Hall said. "Consequently, CREC-TBM and myself – along with some other internationally experienced partners – decided to form a new company, CTE, that would manage all of CREC-TBM’s interests on the international stage."
The TBMs being supplied for the new metro line in Kuala Lumpur are 6.67m EPB machines. Many of the key components for these machines have been purchased from European suppliers, such as the main bearing, drive motors, gear reducers, hydraulic components and the Electric/PLC components.