Davenport’s west side sewer diversion tunnel in Iowa will get financial aid, it was announced in February.

The state of Iowa will spend $9.5M on the $56M project as part of the I-JOBS bonding initiative.

“With these funds, we are helping these communities meet their immediate infrastructure needs, all while laying the groundwork for future economic growth,” Iowa Governor Chet Culver said in a statement.

The tunnel will divert flows from the Jersey Ridge Tunnel, increasing northwest Davenport’s sewer capacity and mitigating existing sanitary overload problems. Existing flows often exceed capacity of the Jersey Ridge Tunnel resulting in sewer backups and overflows.

The project will be completed in three phases. Phase One, to replace ageing sewers and improve sanitary sewer capacity, began last October with an expected completion date of September 2011.

Phase Two will begin near the completion of Phase One and will construct the actual diversion tunnel. It is expected to take 24 months to complete.

Phase Three will begin about the time Phase Two is completed and will connect the mainline trunk sanitary sewers to the West Side Diversion tunnel diverting sanitary sewer flow from the Jersey Ridge tunnel. It will take about 12 months to complete.