Dragages Hong Kong, in JV with French parent Bouygues, has won a US$66M contract to build a 1245m long, 6m diameter tunnel for a funicular railway at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park theme park.

The railway will transport people from the park’s Summit area on Brick Hill mountain to the WaterFront area.

The contract also includes excavation work to reduce the height of the hill from 183m to 130m to create a new platform to house additional amusement facilities.

Excavation of the tunnel will be mainly by drill and blast in mostly volcanic rock. The JV will be restricted to carrying out blasting in the mornings before the park opens to the public. Blasting mats, screens and cages will be erected as safety precautions.

A further restriction will be to avoid disturbing the animals living in the theme park, particularly pandas and dolphins.

The tunnel spoil will be transported along a conveyor belt about 600m long to be loaded on to barges for disposal. About 800,000m3 of spoil will be removed in the tunnel and mountain platform excavations.