Contracts were awarded recently on Amsterdam’s North/South Metro Line (Noord/Zuidlijn), with the Saturn consortium (comprising Duravermeer and Züblin) winning the US$151.5M contract to build the 3.8km long. 6.5m diameter twin bore section between Ceintuurbaan metro station and Europaplein station. Construction should start in the third quarter of 2004.
Five contracts, totalling US$503.7M, were awarded. Heijmans and Strukton/Van Oord won the contract to build the 350m long immersed tube tunnel under the IJ river, and Heijmans was also awarded the contract to build the launch chamber for the two US$9.8M Herrenknecht EPBMs. Construction on both contracts is scheduled to start at the end of 2003.
Strukton/Van Oord was retained to build the Central station, while Max Bögel won the contracts to build Rokin, Vijzelgracht and Ceintuurbaan stations.
For more information and diagrams see T&TI January 2001 p20, December 2001 p47, and November 2002 p10.