The achievement was marked by FBC, the Dutch joint of Boskalis, Van Oord and Sweco excavating the tunnel trench and carrying out most of the marine work in connection with the large tunnel construction.

According to the Confederation of Danish Employers (DA), on construction sites in Denmark there are more than 78 occupational accidents for the corresponding number of working hours.

"We are satisfied that we generally have an extremely low accident rate on our project. FBC has approached the task with the same goal as us, namely to be Denmark’s safest construction site. Together, we maintain a constant focus on prevention and a strong safety culture that is part of our DNA at the Fehmarnbelt project," said Gintaras Vagelas, HSE manager at Femern A/S.

The Fehmarnbelt project, currently the largest construction project in northern Europe, will link Germany and Denmark via an 18km immersed tube tunnel beneath the Baltic Sea. It will consist of 79 217m-long hollow, reinforced concrete elements and 10 special elements.

Due to open in 2029, Fehmarnbelt will be the world’s longest immersed tube tunnel and the longest combined road and rail tunnel underwater.

The contractor building the tunnel, portals, ramps, and seabed trench is Fehmarn Link Contractors (FLC), a joint venture of Vinci, Per Aarsleff, Wayss & Freytag, Max Bogl, CFE, Soletanche Bachy and BAM.