The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is undertaking the implementation of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A which involves, amongst other works, construction of two sewage pipes from Ap Lei Chau to Aberdeen with length of about 1.3km and finished internal diameter of around 0.6m. The sewage pipes are to be constructed using the horizontal directional drilling method mainly in volcanic rock at depth of up to around 80m below sea level.
The construction of the sewage pipes will be covered under a single contract and tenders are scheduled to be invited in early 2009.
A contractors’ forum will be held to give interested parties general information about the project and to provide an opportunity for contractors to provide suggestions on the project. Details of the forum are as follows:
Date: 19 January 2009
Time: 10:00 to 12:30
Venue: Drainage Services Department,
Room 4312 & 4313, 43/F, Revenue Tower,
5 Gloucester Road,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong
Interested parties are invited to contact the following person on or before 15 January 2009 so that administrative arrangements could be made for attending the forum.
Mr. Gary Shing, Senior Engineer
Metcalf & Eddy – Maunsell Joint Venture
Tel. : (+852) 2685 6410
Email address: