Pacadar UK started production in April 2022 and in June completed the manufacture of 59,129 segments, which make up 8,447 tunnel rings – seven segments per ring.
Each segment weighs 7 tonnes on average and 130 precast segments have been produced daily by the Kent-based factory.
HS2’s London Tunnels contractor, Skanska Costain Strabag (SCS) joint venture, is constructing the Northolt Tunnel West which runs from West Ruislip to Green Park Way in Greenford. So far, the two TBMs building the twin-bore tunnel have travelled almost 6.4km and installed 6,550 rings.

As part of HS2’s commitment to reduce the environmental impacts of construction, rail sidings were brought into use once space on site became available after the initial launch of the TBMs. The segments are now transported by rail from Kent to West Ruislip – with each train removing 56 lorries from the roads.
Pacadar UK project manager Antonio Diez Barral said the company was “immensely proud” of the production milestone.
“Working jointly with Skanska Costain Strabag JV, Pacadar has used a state-of-the-art construction method in order to optimise the use of materials, reduction of time and therefore remarkable savings and carbon footprint drop, all while creating a safe environment for all the 180 [Pacadar] workers,” he said.
Pacadar UK continues to work on other aspects of HS2, including pre-casting segments for the Thame Valley Viaduct in Buckinghamshire and Edgcote Viaduct in Northamptonshire.