The figure covering periods five and six of 2012/13 – from 22 July to
15 September this year – confirm that delays were at a record low during the Games. Period 5 saw delays down by 21 per cent, and period
6 saw delays down by 49 per cent, compared to the average for 2011/12, with many lines delivering the best performance ever recorded.

These results were achieved at the same time as record numbers of passengers used the network; more than 101 million journeys were made on the Tube during the Games, up 28 per cent compared to normal levels. Tuesday 7 August was the busiest day in the Tube’s history, with 4.57 million passengers.

London Underground is now developing plans to meet the Mayor’s commitment of reducing delays by a further 30 per cent by 2015. "The work that our staff put in over the last couple of years helped to deliver a fantastic London 2012 Games, with record performance on the Tube network," said Mike Brown, managing director of London Underground and Rail. "However, there are many improvements yet to be delivered. We continue the vital work of transforming the network with new and upgraded trains, signalling, stations and track. Together these, and our relentless focus on improving the journeys of our customers, will continue to boost reliability and performance across the network."