The state government of Queensland, Australia has requested public input on a new statewide infrastructure plan. Released on Tuesday, the Queensland Infrastructure Plan (QIP) allocated infrastructure priorities for the seven regions of Queensland.

The plan highlighted the AUD 78bn of infrastructure projects underway or committed in Queensland as of March as a response to the projected population increase from 4.5 million in 2010 to 6.6 million in 2031.

Prioritised projects included the proposed new tunnelled crossing over the Brisbane River, Cross River Rail (T&TI January p.22) as well as highway upgrades, mass transit and the Brisbane airport link (T&TI January p.19).

“Queensland is now the only State in Australia with a 20 year infrastructure plan for the entire state,” Anna Bligh, premier for Queensland said. “It provides a clear outline of short-term infrastructure projects as well as forward planning for longer-term infrastructure priorities to meet the future needs of our growing regions into the future.

“This plan is not just an investment in infrastructure for the people of Queensland; it’s an investment in the state’s future prosperity. The QIP will help drive investment and development to create stronger, more prosperous regions.”

Consultation will run until 9 September. A PDF of the full 100-page document can be accessed from the Queensland Government Department of Local Government and Planning website: