The shuttering machine constructing the lining for the 4.5km-long tunnel has now covered 2.8km – 65% – of its journey to Chambers Wharf in Bermondsey. The primary lining was completed by TBM Annie in spring last year.

The machine was cleaned inside the shaft at Earl Pumping Station before being relaunched to complete the drive. This also allowed the shaft internal walls at Greenwich Pumping Station to be completed. 

The Greenwich Connection Tunnel will help tackle the problem of sewage overflow into the Deptford Creek and River Ravensbourne, directing the flows into the new super sewer.

Much of the excavated spoil from the main tunnelling operation was removed from site at Greenwich by barge via new marine infrastructure in Deptford Creek.

The secondary lining on the western section was completed late last year.

Earlier in May, at the Acton Storm Tanks site the cover slab was cast above the 30m shaft.  

The concrete slab follows work on the benching and other internal structures in the shaft and installation of the precast roof beams.

Above ground, installation of the ventilation column segments has also been completed. 

Acton Storm Tanks is the farthest site west on the Tideway project and incorporates an existing Thames Water pumping station and storm water tanks. The site marks the start of the main tunnel and intercepts the existing Acton Storm Relief combined sewer overflow.

Six TBMs were used to bore the 25km super sewer, which will reduce sewage overflows into the River Thames. It is due to be operational in 2025.