S firm BT Trenchless (a subsidiary of BT Construction) has this month completed 1277m of tunnels on the $754M Aurora Prairie Waters project in Collorado. It used a range of methods to drive the tunnels including seven microtunnels, four TBMs, two hammer bores and six auger bores. Diameters ranged between 1.5m and 2m.
The Prairie Waters project for the City of Aurora, Colorado, is the first large-scale water re-use project in Colorado’s history. Slated for completion in 2010, water will be pumped from the South Platte River, undergo a six-step treatment process, and ultimately replenish the diminishing drinking water supply.
One of the most challenging milestones was to break through the bedrock on the east side of the South Platte River to complete a challenging river crossing. A crew of about 10 worked 12-hour shifts drilling a 78-inch (1.98m) diameter hole through the bedrock under the river in only 7 days.
Client is Aurora Water.