In Seattle the Sound Transit 3 proposition calls for completing major mass transit extensions every few years over a 25-year period, with 62 new miles of light rail in the Puget Sound region. Of the light rail plans included in the measure, at least once includes a tunnel component. The plan is worth about USD 54bn.
Los Angeles voters passed Measure M with more than 69 per cent. It’s a sales tax that will fund infrastructure repair and development including expanding rail, subway and bus systems. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority expects Measure M to generate USD 860M million a year in 2017 dollars. The proposed projects will be built over a 40-year period.
Metro released a statement on their Web site Wednesday, “Thanks to the public for putting their faith in us to build a transportation system for today, tomorrow and beyond. Together, we are making history and are showing the nation – even the world – how to be bold and forward thinking as we continue to transform transportation across our region.”